
List of Articles         My Books

Church - Prophecy and Typology

Over 270 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Do Church Eras Exist?

Seven Restorations of the Work of God

Just what do you mean "Laodicean Church"?

The Seven Eras of Ancient Israel - Type of the Eras of the Church?

Do 7 Tribes of Israel parallel the 7 Churches of Revelation 2 & 3?

Amazing Temple Symbolism found in Revelation Chapter 3!

Parallels between each Church Era and the Temple

The 'Daughter of Zion' and 'My People' in Prophecy

Spiritual Whoredom in both Old and New Testaments

The Apostasy of the First Century and its End-Time Parallels

A Short Note on IIThess 2:6-7 and being “out of the way”

Sabbatarian Groups. A Small and Scattered Flock

Charts and Tables: